Act of the Court of Cervera

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The Cortes Catalanas that met in Cervera in 1359 instituted a permanent body to collect and administer taxes, the Diputació del General. This delegate body of the Courts would later become known as the Generalitat.

The Bishop of Girona, Berenguer de Crüilles, was the first president of the Generalitat de Catalunya from 1359 to 1362.

From the 15th century, the Generalitat served executive functions in the governance of political, financial and legal affairs.

The foundation of the Cortes Generales in 1359 was the most significant historical event with regard to the origin and configuration of the Diputació del General or the Generalitat de Catalunya, as it constituted the origin of the Generalitat.

Act of the Courts of Catalonia held in Cervera in 1359.

Original conserved in the Arxiu Comarcal de la Segarra.

Special aged parchment paper.

Document format: 76.5 x 64 cm.

Gothic script.


Single run of 995 copies, numbered and certified by notarial record.

Presented in an elegant case.

The Act is presented with a study of the same.
